
Accounting,Volume 72, Issue 11, November 2020, Pages 17-27
Published online October 2,2020
濵村 純平*
* 桃山学院大学准教授
《要 旨》
Cost reduction investment and administrated transfer price:
The impact of a customer-oriented sales division
Jumpei Hamamura*
* Associate Professor, Momoyama Gakuin University
This paper demonstrates that an internal administrated transfer price exceeds marginal cost when the upstream division invests to reduce the marginal cost of a product without information asymmetry and product market competition. While prior literature demonstrates only that the market-based transfer price exceeds marginal cost in this situation, we show the same outcome without an intermediate product market, assuming a customer-oriented sales division. A customer-oriented sales division has an incentive for excess supply to set a low price in a monopoly product market. Hence, by setting an administrated transfer price above a marginal cost, the company headquarters controls the behavior of the sales division to refine both market price and excess supply.
Transfer price, cost reduction investment, customer-oriented, decentralized firm, non-cooperative game theory
責任編集者:梶原 武久
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